Past Fellowship

Pricing Your Artwork

Saturday, May 13, 2023 11am–1pm

Internal program

Mary Early discusses pricing, editioning, and record keeping for artwork.

Mary Early (born 1975, Washington, DC) studied visual art, film, and video at Bennington College. Early is the director of Hemphill Artworks, Washington, DC, and serves on the boards of Hamiltonian Artists and Washington Sculptors Group. She handles the work of contemporary artists and artist estates, including the work of William Christenberry, Colby Caldwell, Hedieh Javanshir Ilchi, Mingering Mike, Robin Rose, Renée Stout, Alma Woodsey Thomas, Julie Wolfe, Workingman Collective, and specializes in the artists of the Washington Color School, among others. She works with living artists and artists’ heirs on long-range planning, and with private and institutional collectors to build and manage significant collections. She has a particular interest in public art and community engagement, as well as the materials and processes of contemporary sculpture, and professional development for emerging and under-represented artists.